Astrophotography by Iván Éder
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Astrophotography by Iván Éder
QSI 683 WSG-8 CCD images
QSI 683 WSG-8 CCD images
Cosmic Hand Nebula
dark nebulas in Cassiopeia
Vela Supernova Remnant
in Vela
Blue diamonds on a golden carpet
Messier 7, The Ptolemy Cluster in Scorpius
NGC 3576 - 3603, Statue of Liberty Nebula
NGC 3576 - NGC 3603
Seahorse Nebula
LDN 1150 in Cepheus
NGC 6914 bright Nebulae
in Cygnus
Omega Centauri (NGC 5139)
in Centaurus
Rabbit Nebula (Thor's Helmet, NGC 2359)
in Canis Maior
Camaeleon I Cloud
Monkey-head Nebula, IC2631, Ced-110, Ced-111
Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038-39)
in Corvus
The Tulip and Cygnus X-1
in Cygnus
The Lupus 3 Cloud (Bernes 149)
at the border of Scorpius and Lupus
Lagoon Nebula (M8)
in Sagittarius
The North America Nebula - NGC 7000
in Cygnus
vdB 141 - Ghost Nebula region
in Cepheus
Pinwheel Galaxy (M 101)
in Ursa Maior
Veil-Nebula (NGC 6960)
Western region
Triangulum Galaxy (M33)
in Triangulum
Soap Bubble and Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888)
in Cygnus
NGC 3293, NGC 3324
in Carina
Elephant's Trunk Nebula (IC 1396A)
in Cepheus
IC 59, IC 63 and Gamma Cassiopeiae
in Cassiopeia
Center of Heart Nebula
in Cassiopeia (IC 1805, Mel 15) tries to provide a better user experience using cookies. By clicking the accept button you can accept the use of cookies. You can find more information in the
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