The Tarantula Nebula

in Dorado

The Tarantula Nebula
Éder Iván

Tarantula Nebula is located in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). This is is the most active and the most massive starburst region known in the Local Group of galaxies. Despite its huge distance of 160 000 light years, it can be seen by the naked eye. For comparison, the Great Orion Nebula is located about 1300 light years away (more than 100 times closer), it looks similarly britght by the naked eye.

Image details

200/750 Newton, 3" Wynne (710mm effective focal length)
Home-modified Canon EOS 5DmkII
SkyWatcher EQ6 + Boxdörfer DynoStar
9x50mm SkyWatcher finder scope (50/180mm), Lacerta-MGen autoguider
Exposure time, filters:
31x2,5 min (77,5 minutes total) @ ISO 1600
Location, date:
Hakos astrofarm, Namibia (1835m); 2010.05.12.
Observing conditions:
Transparency: 8/10, Seeing: 9/10, Temperature: +15°C
ImagesPlus, Registar, Photoshop

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